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What Vaccines Do You Need For Africa?

Konrad Tillman


Before heading on a great adventure across the most magnificent continent in the world, there was this one question that constantly went through my head. What vaccines would I need to go to Africa? Well, Africa is a large place, and what vaccines you need depends on where you are going. I ended up getting 7 shots (all at once), but I wish I hadn't. Here is what I recommend for you all thinking about going!

Mandatory Vaccines/Medication

There are a couple of vaccines that I would consider to be a no-brainer when going anywhere in Africa, and you might already have some of them. Not that I think Africa is dangerous, it's just there is less infrastructure if you do get sick, and less clean water...

There are the ones I would consider to be mandatory in my eyes:

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Typhoid Fever


If I am guessing, most people probably already have their Tetenuas shots, as well as their Hep shots, so this shouldn't be a problem. Additionally, I might recommend getting the Typhoid fever shot, as this can be prominent across lesser-known areas of Africa, just to be safe. It was also covered by my insurance and should be for you if you are in the USA.

Lastly, in terms of mandatory, I would highly recommend malaria pills for almost all of Africa (not the north). I have heard and seen some horrible stories of what getting malaria can do, and it is a thousand times worse than how the pills make you feel...

Malaria Tablets


Unfortunately, rabies is quite a prominent disease that roams part of Africa. While I wouldn't say this is mandatory, if you are not staying at a luxury resort in Africa, I would highly recommend it for your peace of mind. Rabies is 100% fatal once symptoms occur and pain in the arse to get the shots if you are bitten.

Unfortunately, I was randomly bitten in Mozambique, and I wish I had gotten the shots before due to peace of mind. Like I said, I was roaming the streets of Vilankulo in Mozambique, but if you are staying at a nice resort somewhere in South Africa, I wouldn't get these shots.


If you are roaming the northern part of Africa around the meningitis belt, I would highly recommend getting your meningitis shot. This is a disease that can cause serious problems, and it is another one that is also covered by insurance in the USA.

Meningitis Belt Africa

Other Vaccines To Consider

Once again, I am no scientist; these are just some of my observations...

Some other vaccines that I would consider if you are planning a trip backpacking around Africa would be:


Yellow Fever



Don't Get Deterred

If you are reading this post, you might be reconsidering traveling to Africa after seeing how many vaccinations are recommended by the CDC 😅. It might sound a little scary if you have never been to Africa, but trust me, it is worth it. Africa, as a continent, is the last untouched land mass in the world (minus Antarctica) in terms of being overrun by tourists. Whether it's exploring the DRC or enjoying a cocktail by the beach in Namibia, it's unbelievable.

Lake Bukavu DRC

Final Thoughts

If you are thinking about exploring parts of Africa soon, this is my recommendation for you regarding what vaccines to take. Hpwever, I would also urge you to check the CDC website for each country you plan to visit. It sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it? It sure does, but it is worth every minute!



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