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Visiting Tiger's Nest In Bhutan. What It's Really Like

One of the staple marks of visiting Bhutan is hiking up to the Tiger's Nest. During our stay at the Amankora Paro Lodge, we had the opportunity to hike up to the top and take a look around. Thankfully, we didn't have to arrange anything due to the Aman doing everything. However, I saw many people doing it themselves, so it should be easy to arrange independently.

Getting Up

The hike to the top isn't too treacherous. However, my mum and I thought it would be a good idea to do half of the way on horseback. I believe walking is better, but if you might struggle on the hike horses are able to take you up halfway for a fee.

It was cold, bring layers

The roads aren't the best for horses, which is why I suggest walking. It was a blast nonetheless.

Felt so bad for the horses, also turns out I am allergic

Once we got off the horses there was the halfway cafe, which sells coffee to T-shirts and some food if needed. Be prepared to bring some cash as there is a big upcharge. We stopped off and used the restroom before continuing onwards. We arrived at the lookout point about 35 minutes later.

You have to walk down and around before walking back up to reach the Tigers Nest.

It's a beautiful backdrop.

What happens inside?

Once you get up to the Tiger's Nest, you must put all of your belongings into the lockers provided. You will not be able to bring your phone or camera inside; it is very secluded which is why I have no pictures. There are multiple different rooms where you will pray and your guide will teach you what each room is for. Be prepared to bring lots of small notes for "offerings", much like a lot of other places in Bhutan.

Going Down

The Tigers Nest hike is just over 7 clicks there and back. Normally, the hike down takes about an hour and a half. My legs were starting to give out after all of the physical activity the past few days. Me and Chozang decided to run down!

People looked at us like we were crazy, but we managed to get down in 46 minutes 😂, where a car was waiting to take us back to the Aman!

Ready for bed

A nap was deemed necessary after this meal.

Final Thoughts

Hiking Tigers Nest was a one-of-a-kind experience. My aim here wasn't to spoil it for you and give you every detail but to show what an incredible experience it is. If you have the chance to visit Bhutan, I cannot recommend this activity enough! To be at 10,000 feet of elevation, with a thousand foot drop next to your hiking trail, there is nothing quite like it.


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