Torkham Border Opening?! Just In Time?? 🇦🇫
For the past 17 days, the main border between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been closed: The Torkham Border. This border is a staplepiece for both communities providing trade and a passageway for the population looking to get across to the other country.
The Details
Well, I am due to head to Afghanistan sometime in the next 2 weeks through the border, and there is an exciting update on that front. Supposedly, AMU TV has cited that a meeting took place between the two parties and they are looking to open the border soon!
If this were to happen, this would be exponentially better for my trip, instead of having to fly down to Dubai and then back up to Kabul. However, I understand that there are more pressing issues than a college student wanting to visit Afghanistan, so if it doesn't, I also understand.

With that being said, I am embarking on this next expedition in three days, across Hong Kong, China, Pakistan, The Seychelles, Madagascar, Ethiopia, England, Afghanistan, and more. This is a trip that I have longed to do and will take me up to country 118!
The first review; United Polaris from Los Angeles to Hong Kong on a 16-hour double red-eye. Ooof.
Final Thoughts
The Torkham border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been closed for the last 17 days, stopping supplies and passageways for multiple people. However, rumor has it that is soon might be re-opening. No matter what happens, even if I have to fly to Dubai, I am extremely excited to be visiting Afghanistan, as it is a dream come true!