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Review: Singapore Airlines Business Class On The 777-300ER From Singapore-Jakarta


For the next part of my trip around the world, I was onboard a Singapore Airlines 777-300ER in business class on this 1 hour and 25-minute flight. While I had just checked out the business class offering on the 737 Max 8 (, I was excited to try Singapore Airlines on my first flight with them on a wide-body!

Route- Singapore- Jakarta

Seat- 11K

Flight Number- SQ950

Date- December 24th

Flight Time: 1 Hour 25 Mins

Price Paid- 27.5K United Miles+41$


As mentioned in my previous post, I booked a routing that consisted of two legs for 27.5K United Miles+41$ in taxes and fees.

The first flight consisted of the 737 Max 8 in business class from Siem Reap to Singapore (which I was extremely impressed with) and the second leg consisted of this flight from Singapore to Jakarta, also in business class.

Including being on the ground, and waiting for departure, the total time onboard the aircraft would be just over 5 hours. Considering cash fares were upwards of 900$, I consider this to be a terrific value of points.


After a fantastic stay at the Yotel in Changi (, I had to figure out my way to Terminal 2 for the early 6:50 am departure to Jakarta this fine morning.

A deserted Changi at 4am

After a very long walk, I finally arrived at the electronic gates that checked my boarding pass and passport. In Siem Reap, they printed both of my boarding passes which meant I didn't have to head back to check-in. Check-in was deserted nonetheless, seeing it was Christmas Eve day.

Turning left, I headed up to the Silverkris business class lounge, underwhelming, to say the least, but you can read about it here(


The walk was long from the lounge to F gates. It was almost as if I was walking to the gate that was the farthest away from the lounge in T2.

I passed gate F58 which would have an aircraft to Bali that day. I would have to wait a few more weeks to take that route!

Sad but happy at the same time

But the long walk kept going and going..... is this what they call the stairway to heaven? 😅

Must have taken 7+ of these things

However, I eventually made it to the gate at 6:10 am for a boarding time of 6:20 am. As like with all other flights out of Singapore, security is done at the gate, which I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it's nice not having to unload your laptop after check-in but on the other hand, I am part American and love instant gratification, not delayed!

Boarding started early with First Class (not me today), followed by business class passengers!

First time on an SQ wide-body

Even though I was in business class I still turned left! Woooooo (more on the configuration later)!

I was escorted to my seat, 11K, by a fabulous FA. The smiles and "good mornings" on SQ never get old. It's something I know this is part of their jobs but this is something I strive towards in life, the mentality that no matter what you are going through, be kind❤️.

Spacious for a short flight!

The same FA came around moments later to ask me if I wanted a pre-departure beverage and ask for my breakfast order. Well, she kind of shocked me since when I went to remove my airpod, it fell out and through the seat (no fault of hers at all, all my fault). She kept apologizing (I kept saying no worries at all) and went to go grab the lead pursuer (who was amazingly friendly during the flight) to search for my airpod. If you know anything about these seats, they are very complex underneath with lots of different metal pieces. They searched for a solid 30 minutes... for an airpod that was worth 60$ to get replaced. Above, above and beyond 🙌.

A complicated seat

Well the plane had been fully boarded and they were still searching for the airpod, wooops🤭, I didn't mean to delay the flight (think it left 2 minutes behind schedule). After a solid 20 minutes of searching the pursuer said they would send the mechanic onboard once they reached Jakarta and if they found it, it would be at First Class check-in tomorrow. These staff set the standard as to why I believe Singapore Airlines has the top staff in the world (airlines-wise).

Suffice it to say, that through my clumsiness, I missed out on a pre-departure beverage.


The boarding doors closed and the captain came on to announce we would be pushing back shortly with a flight time of 1 hour and 25 minutes to Jakarta

At approximately 6:52 am we pushed back.

Off to Bali she goes, but not me

We proceeded to taxi past another 777-300ER, parked at a remote stand.


We lined up on the runway about 10 minutes after pushback.

Where we had the most beautiful takeoff I have ever witnessed in my life. I have a full video if you would like it, feel free to message me in the comments and I will send the link.



Did you think that was the best part? These are a couple of pictures from ascent.

These photos are too gorgeous to make a collage.

Unreal, simply unreal


The Singapore 777-300ER is arranged in a 4-class configuration, featuring 4 suites in First Class, 48 lie-flat seats in Business Class across two cabins, 28 recliners in Premium Economy, and lastly, 184 seats in Economy Class. Luckily, 48 hours before departure I checked the seat map and was able to snag a bulkhead seat in the front, smaller cabin. The front cabin where I was sitting is right behind First Class, featuring 12 seats in a 1-2-1 configuration.


As you can see the legroom in the bulkhead seat offers plenty of space for your feet. My recommendation is if you can, snag 11A or 11K.

Here is a better view of the footwell. I would be shocked if you didn't have enough space in this seat!

The seat is well-designed and comes with plenty to look at! To start, on the right of you lies the remote, which you have to use as the TV isn't touchscreen (really SQ).

Then right beneath the TV remote lies the menu which was waiting for me, as well as the tray table which has a sign saying "push to release".

There's an airpod missing 😰

Even further right (behind you), lies the charging ports. Thankfully they worked, unlik at the Yotel 🤨. I like this design where you can choose to close the latch if you are not charging anything!

Needs a reconfiguration

Next to the charging ports lay a cubby that contained headphones. I removed the headphones and placed my camera inside. A tight squeeze 😅. What was it George Russell said, "If you see a gap, go for it"?

If you see gap, go for the gap "George Russell"

Flaps up for takeoff? Don't worry, there is plenty of storage for this seat!

Flaps at -90 degrees

Moving on, in front of you lies the TV, it's pretty hard to miss.

And a vanity mirror which, similarly to the charging ports, flips up and down.

On the left side of the seat, you will find the seat controls, light controls, and the headphone jack.

Lastly, you will find the lights on the left-hand side of your temple.

Similarly to my last flight, wreaths were placed around the cabin! I had one right above my seat.

Shall we address the elephant in the room? If you have read anything about this product, you know that much like Virgin Atlantic, the bed had to be flipped over to go in full flat. While this is true, the flight was too short for me to test out. However, staff will do it for you when you would like it to be done. Here is a picture of how it works.

Overall, I had an empty flight in business, with only 11/47 seats occupied. 2 of those (including me) were in the front, more intimate cabin. It was a very peaceful, relaxing, and comfortable flight. This seat is perfect for lounging!


Upon boarding, I was presented with a pillow for the flight along with the classic business-class blanket (not pictured, see previous review for pictures).

A picture-perfect pillow 🥰

Adding onto the pillow, I found a pair of noise-canceling headphones. Suffice it to say, they were fantastic!

I love the consistency!

There is bedding provided but it is stored behind your seat. Interesting that, but actually a great use of space. I don't think they load full bedding on this flight though (mattress pad, duvet, etc).

Behind the seat bedding

For the IFE there was a TV remote located on the right-hand side of my seat. As I spoke about earlier, you have to utilize the remote to work the TV, you cannot use your fingers.

Possibly the only downside of the flight

In front of you lay the TV. While I touched on the movie offerings in my last post, the system is the same, therefore the selection is the same. I finished off the last 20 minutes of the Polar Express (Yay Christmas! Already miss it).

Doesn't it give off old but new vibes?

For the rest of the flight, I had the map in the background, as a natural Avgeek does.

Do you know how deep the Java Trench is?

Since these cabins are relatively on the older side, I would say the map is holding up well!

Siap Gas

Wifi was free if you are a Krisflyer member, which I am. Although, I did not partake as other affairs were offered.


After my clumsiness when boarding, I ended up informing the cabin crew that I was not going to eat breakfast. However, if you are interested in the menu, I will post it below. I did appreciate the fact there were printed menus, nice ones at that.

I have never been someone to eat breakfast on planes. If you have read my review on Lufthansa First Class, you can tell I eat dinner for breakfast.

That didn't stop me from enjoying multiple mimosas throughout the 85-minute flight! I was served the first one about 15 minutes after takeoff.

Life's good

And a 1 and a 2 and a 1,2,3. The freshly squeezed orange juice was a beautiful way to reel in the morning.

Beauty 🥰

Other than the 3 mimosas that was all I chose to indulge in on this flight. I apologize reviewers but I cannot hack breakfast. Even at home, I have steak...


For a cabin of 48 business-class customers, there are 4 lavatories. With a light load of only 11 people onboard today, I never had to wait. I chose the lavatory by door 2R to review, as this one was closest.

When it comes to toilets, my favorite aircraft is the A380-800. However, my second is the 777-300ER due to the large space.

I promise I'm only 1/3 American

There was decent soap provided.

A little vanity mirror. You guessed it, this review is just AI-generated and I spent the whole flight doing my makeup 😅.

Some more products for those who indulge, but I don't.

Everything was very tidy. Hand towels were off to the side and folded. Overall, a very pleasant toilet, well at least as pleasant as a toilet can be!

Gosh, where do I even begin? The service on this flight was flawless, from the second I stepped onboard, to when I landed in Jakarta.

I was greeted with warm smiles and a cheerful attitude which helped set the tone for the flight.

The fact that they ripped apart the seat to look for my airpod pre-boarding says a lot about how much they cared. To add onto that, midway through the flight they offered to check again. I said "No worries, it's okay" but they offered to let me sit in 11F while they searched for another 10 minutes! While maintenance spent some time searching in Jakarta, I was informed the next morning that they couldn't find the Airpod. I didn't care that much at all, since it was time I bought the Max's anyway. It was more the thought that stood out to me.

The pace of the mimosa service was spectacular. Everything came out very efficiently.

Upon landing, the woman FA apologized and the lead pursuer wished me a wonderful day.

I can confidently say this is the best service I have ever experienced on a flight, stay tuned because SQ suites beat this...


The captain came on the system about 30 minutes before landing announcing our initial descent into Jakarta. He expected a smooth and on-time arrival. Thankfully, in the mornings at this time of year, most flights utilize a northeast-to-southwest landing direction as I dislike doing the loop. The suburbs came into sight.

Hot take, but I like Jakarta a lot

Jakarta airport had no holding pattern at this time of the morning!

Which meant we were wheels down a tad ahead of schedule.

Grey skies, I know...

We turned right off the runway and headed towards terminal 3.

Passing by the dreaded 1 gates... which I would be flying out of to Hong Kong in a few weeks.

Can you guess where the 777 is going?

And a QR 77W.

I was booked on this flight (QR961) originally, but I had to cancel to keep reviewing products!

I was first off the plane through door 2L and made my way back to Indonesia!


Usually, when I arrive in Jakarta, I hire the Jumpa fast-track service for about 35 USD. However, with the elections coming up, they have suspended it for the time being so I cannot write a review this time 😒

I had 25 USD ready for my Visa On Arrival and proceeded through immigration, which was quite busy at this hour on Christmas Eve day....

The Four Seasons staff was waiting for me with a sign!

Exiting CGK

And I made my way into the city for a long day ahead. This was exciting as I had the most amazing 7-course dinner that night at Alto (more on that soon).

Arranged transportation

Arrival at the Four Seasons in Jakarta. Rated in my top 2 hotels in the world! I cannot wait to share with you this unbelievable stay. The closest aspect to royalty there is. I've stayed at plenty of Four Seasons, Aman Resorts, 5-star safari hotels, private islands, etc but this and the W Amsterdam might take it.


This flight set the tone for what was to be a magical Christmas Eve day. From start to finish, everything was perfect. I understand perfect is subjective, but I couldn't have asked for nicer staff, the mimosas were with fresh orange juice, the seats were bigger than one of my couches at home, and the sunrise views were majestic. The only thing I could fault SQ on would be the non-touchscreen TVs. However, I imagine that these planes will either be reconfigured or scrapped soon, as the latest refreshment happened close to 10 years ago. For a plane that hasn't been reconfigured in 10 years, they do a fantastic job with maintenance. I give credit where credit is due, and Singapore Airlines, you deserve this credit ❤️.


Onboard Catering


Seat (11K)












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