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Initial Thoughts: Singapore 777-300 First Class From Jakarta To Singapore

I'm trying to keep up but with all of this flying it seems to prove difficult to post on the same day, it's tiring!

2 days ago I flew Singapore 777 First Class for the first time from Jakarta to Singapore and while I was impressed It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be (unlike suites which you'll read about soon). Here are some aspects that stood out to me.

On-Ground Service In Jakarta

In Jakarta, the ground staff were nothing short of incredible. In Jakarta, Singapore offers a ground escort through security for First Class customers which is a very nice sight as it can be a zoo at times. When checking in the agent gave me two red boarding passes for First Class when usually the suite boarding pass is "gold". Once I arrived in the lounge someone from Singapore Airlines came over and gave me my updated boarding pass without asking or anything, stellar.


From the photo down below one might assume that with no doors it isn't such a private seat, especially First Class. You would be wrong to assume this since the whole flight someone was sitting in 1C and I never saw them, unless I got up. This was the view when I was leaning forward to take a photo. When sitting back you cannot see any of the seats apart from the front closet thing.

The Footwell Was Huge, Well The Seat

The seat is ginormous. I definitely could have fit my significant other (well if I had one) since it easily could seat two people. It's almost too big really as the pillow needs to be used to rest one side of your arm on. It's too big to have one arm on one armrest and the other on the other armrest. This is a picture of the footwell which you can see is also massive, enough to fit 6 feet.


This part I'm not so much a fan of. While I do appreciate there are no overhead bins in Singapore First Class (on any aircraft), I did not like the fact my bags were stored under the seat. They do have closets in the galley and if I were flying a longer flight I would recommend storing your bags there. It just felt quite claustrophobic.

The Menu Was Extensive For A 1 Hour And 12 Minute Flight

More on what was in the menu during the actual review but it consisted of 18 pages. Honestly, you could spend the whole flight reading the menu...

While a full detailed review will be out once the trip is completed I wanted to share a few details that stood out to me during this flight. It was an overall good flight but the service wasn't as good as my business class flight the day before, was still good just wasn't as personalized.



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