American Airlines Systemwide Upgrades Now Available Online
For years, American Airlines has been behind its competition when it comes to elites redeeming free upgrades on flights. Since the whole process of the systemwide upgrade (SWU) process has come out, customers of AA would have to redeem those SWUs by calling American Airlines and applying them to the reservation. Now, American Airlines will be following suit with Delta and United, as customers will be able to use their SWUs online!
The Details
For countless years, one was able to view SWU space on your account (or expert flyer), but now, one is able to confirm a Systwide Upgrade on the app or website. How does it work?
American Airlines has spent the last few weeks rolling this out to select members to see how it goes, and clearly, they must have had good feedback!
Note: In order to see if there is space available to upgrade with an SWU, one must have an SWU in their account available.
My Thoughts
On paper, this is an amazing development for American Airlines flyers. It puts American Airlines in line with the current competition. However, if I am being selfish, I would say that there was a little sweet spot, having not all of the AA elites put in upgrade requests. I have yet to have a SWU that has not cleared before this update, and I am curious if that will remain...
Final Thoughts
If you are an American Airlines flyer, you can now redeem Systemwide Upgrades online. This has been a long time in the making, but American Airlines is now in line with their competitors with elite upgrades. Take a peek online, but make sure you have a systemwide upgrade in your account in order to see it.