A Transit Day In New York
New York is one of the most incredible cities in the world, whether you like it or not. Having lived there for a couple of years, it always brings a certain energy to my body when I decide to visit, as it is a place that has a constant bustle to it. So when I got the opportunity to spend about 6 hours in the city, I jumped all over it.
The Subway
Few cities around the world are as connected as New York is with their public transport system. It’s incredible to see how efficient the subway can be and how far-reaching it is. From Jamaica to the city took me about 40-odd minutes, and considering that it was peak morning rush hour traffic, it might have ended up being faster than the car.

Once dropping my bags off at the hotel (a family member had a room, so I used it as a base), I headed over from the UES to the 6 train stop to take the subway down to Bleecker Street. Door-to-door from the UES to Bleecker was 20 minutes. Doesn’t get better than that.

Soul Cycle and Bagels
The next part of the day was one of my favorite things to do when having to work out. As I would be spending the next 3 nights on a plane, I thought that it would be important to sweat out all of the previous toxins in my body; hence, SoulCycle was the move. The spin class in New York also trumps pretty much every other location that has to spin; there is a certain vibe to the class that can only be found in New York.

SoulCycle offers an incredible amount of locations across New York, and while pricy, I was thankful to have a student discount…
With all of these toxins sweating out, I got hungry for one thing and one thing only: A New York Bagel Ess-A-Bagel. My gosh, if you have not been here before, this is a must-do from every angle, as the bagels are delicious!

Heading To The Airport
Just like that, my short stay in the city had come to an end. It was time to head straight back to JFK to get ready to board this plane over to country 99 (at the time): Warsaw. Of course, there was traffic 😂.

Final Thoughts
For those that have a long layover in New York, this is a city that I highly recommend you go in and visit instead of waiting your layover out in the airport. Whether you want to have a chill day like I did myself, see the sights, eat some great food, or go clubbing at 1 pm, it can all be done in the city. And this is why this place has my heart ❤️.